Unmasking the Masquerade On Stage! is a magical performance event that is as highly entertaining as it is thought-provoking and truth-imparting. Events can be customized to your church or organization’s needs. Anywhere from a one hour program to a half-day show and seminar event to an entire day of intensive learning with lots of fascinating illusions to illustrate and entertain.
The themes of the various programs follow that of the book: Unmasking Deception, Fear, and the Supernatural with the focus on the truth of God’s Word and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Topics covered in the more extensive events include:
- How vulnerable we all are to deception’s charms
- How to avoid deception
- Why we should not fear Satan but reverence God alone
- Why the Bible can be trusted
- Solid evidences for the truth of God’s Word
- Why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most affirmed events in human history
Each event features fascinating illusion performances to make the points and the event unforgettable. You can even book one, two, or all three of the authors of Unmasking the Masquerade for your event.
Or if professional, clean entertainment with no message or seminar is what you need for your banquet or other event, we can provide that as well.
Unmasking the Masquerade On Stage! may well be the most unique and unforgettable event your church or organization has ever offer your people.
Perfect for:
- Church services
- Banquets
- Community outreaches
- Educational events